Get your child to play on their own, for longer.

Gain back desperately needed TIME and PEACE for yourself.

Master the exact strategy I used to increase my child's independent play from 15 minutes to 3 hours each day

Yes please

If you're a parent juggling ALL the things...

You're trying to work from home, help the kids with school and homework, take care of the house,

and try to find 5 minutes to put your feet up.

(Is that even possible?)

You know you need your kids to play more independently. Because you can't be with them every single second.

You also know that independent play will also benefit your kids in the long run. So I won't preach.

You already know:

  • Independent play leads to more self-reliant kids
  • Play helps children make sense of their confusing world and process those tough emotions
  • The experts say play helps with physical awareness, regulation, problem solving. Alll the benefits.
  • You've even noticed your child is a bit calmer without all the scheduled activities and rushing around.

But how do you make it happen?

  • Your child CAN become a pro at independent play. For some kids it's a gift. But for many, it doesn't come naturally. Kids CAN learn to play on their own - even those who are "unique" - clingy, love to play with you, or don't have any siblings. Independent play is a skill... you're the coach.
  • YOU deserve this (shhhh, it's not just for your kids.) Sometimes it feels like your child needs you every minute to be happy or entertained. Break free from the guilt when you just DON'T want to play tea party again. Feel the incredible freedom that comes from your children being able to occupy themselves.​
  • You can get time back for yourself. You won’t have to rely on screens every time you need to respond to emails, get dinner started, or read a book. (Yes, you can read beach novels again!)​
  • You have everything you need. Independent play does not mean you need lots of fancy new toys, gadgets, or furniture. You'll use what you already have in your house to set the scene.​
Yes please!

But it doesn't feel possible or realistic. It seems like your kids will never learn how to occupy themselves

You bought some pricey subscription boxes and it just felt like more work for you. 

You set up lots of sensory bins, and your kid poured rice all over the floor.

You tried to make your child play on their own and all they did was whine

Mom? Mom? Moooooom!!!

One of the main reasons why children don’t play independently is because parents give up and say “forget it.

Because usually it feels like they need you or a screen. Otherwise, they’re never happy. 

So you give in, and play with them. 

But you're more overwhelmed than ever.

As a parent, your plate is ridiculously full.

Some people complain about being bored and you think “huh?”  

You and your partner are balancing work, the kids, school, child care, and your home. (Besides making sure you have enough bananas and toilet paper to get through the week.) 

You feel guilty that your child doesn't have soccer, dancing, and 1,000 playdates.

And if they don’t have a sibling → you’re it. 

So you spend every waking moment working, parenting, wiping poops, and then responding to emails after bedtime. 

It's a delicate balance and one little thing could send it all crashing down.

Burnout feels very close.

 (In fact, you may have already cried on the bathroom floor.)

That’s why you need your child to play independently… now.

Without a zillion birthday parties and other distractions, THIS is the time to try again.  

It's time to give yourself (and your kids) the peace you deserve.



It's time to give yourself (and your kids) the peace you deserve.

The exact process I used to increase my child's independent play from 15 minutes to 3 hours per day!

Buy now!

The Immersive Play mini-course is a step-by-step action plan to coach your talkative, sensitive, or only child to play more independently so you can reclaim time and peace yourself.

Here's what you'll get:

  • The Immersive Play mini-course: quick, digestable 5-15 minute lessons that even a busy parent can watch while washing dishes. You'll learn how to pinpoint which phase of play your child is in and bump them up to the next phase of play.
  • 4 mindset shifts you need for successful independent playtime. We'll bust myths, identify the roadblocks in your way, so that you KNOW independent play is possible in your household.
  • Parent's Guide to Independent Play guide provides a step-by-step blueprint to go from a clingy, whiny kid to one who can play on their own for longer. (Ahhh.)
  • 20 Independent Play Activities - so you can stop scouring Pinterest for play ideas. Best part? They use stuff you already have in your house.

What if you could...

Have more time in your day?

Give up your job as court jester? (a/k/a the daily entertainment)

Seize this opportunity to help your child become immersed in play, instead of addicted to screens?

Avoid parental breakdowns? Because honestly, if you continue at this pace, it's bound to happen.

Avoid the common pitfalls and trip-ups?

Have more time for YOURSELF?

Watch your child play quietly while you answer emails, prep dinner, put the baby down for a nap, or finally listen to that podcast?

Have a step-by-step blueprint that guides you through the 5 phases of independent play, how to prepare for it, and what mistakes to avoid?

parent testimonial of her success

Let's take a closer look inside Immersive Play... that you can hear a little less "Mom. Mom? Mommmmm!"

Lesson 1: Change your Mindset

Stop thinking that independent play is impossible for little kids.

I'll help you change your mindset once and for all to:

  • Understand the challenges standing in your way​
  • Overcome the barriers preventing YOU from enabling your child to play independently​​
  • Change your mindset to support independent play in your household - you CAN do this!​

Lesson 2: The 5 Phases of Independent Play

  • Learn what the 5 phases of independent play are​
  • Identify what phase of play your child is in TODAY​
  • Learn concrete steps to move your child into the next phase of play​
  • Instead of screaming "noooo!!" when your child drops a nap, convert it to independent play so you BOTH still get to rest.​

Lesson 3: How to Prepare for Independent Play

  • You wouldn't go on a road trip with kids without preparation, right? Treat play the same way!​
  • I'll teach you the one trick that almost guarantees a successful playtime​
  • You'll learn how and when to incorporate my 20 Independent Play Activities into each day​

Lesson 4: Create Space for Independent Play

  • I'll help you get on the same page as your partner, so that independent play is just as important as your nightly Netflix show :)​​
  • Learn how to incorporate independent play into your day EVERY day, multiple times a day​
  • Set up your house to encourage playtime success (yup, there IS such a thing as too many toys!)​​
  • How to talk to your kids about play - just swipe my sample language.

Lesson 5: Troubleshoot Common Problems

  • What if your child tries to rope you into play? What if they want to talk all the time?​​
  • Should you use timers? Rewards?​
  • What if your child just flat out refuses to play independently?​​

I'll walk you through each of these common problems with tangible solutions

But wait! There's more...


Feel like it's your job to entertain your kid? Learn how to let go of the guilt.

Understand these 4 myths about independent play and make the 4 mindset shifts you need.

Value: $29


This guide gives you the step-by-step blueprint you need to go from a needy and dependent child to one who can play on their own for un-interrupted periods of time. (Ahh...bliss.)

Too much screen time? Routine out the window? It's okaaaaay, return to this guide over and over for a play "restart." It'll help you prioritize independent play and make it part of every day.

Value: $25


Stop scouring Pinterest for children's activities!

The best part about these 20 kid-tested "invitations to play"?

  • They use materials you already have at home (no need to buy more stuff!)
  • It takes less than 5 minutes to set up. Sometimes only 30 seconds!
  • They save you time from endless Pinterest searches (go pour yourself some coffee instead).
  • Most of all... they're simple and easy.

The Immersive Play mini-course will teach you WHEN and HOW to introduce these activities, so you're not setting up playdough 8 times a day.

Get the Immersive Play mini-course right now so you can stop trying endlessly to occupy your kids.

Wait, you mean I can nap or read a book in peace?


And who doesn't love a BONUS?

It gets even better! For a limited time, when you purchase the Immersive Play mini-course, you'll get these bonuses!

Bonus Training: How to Create New Habits with Kids: 8 Strategies

New habits can be hard for kids!

They get used to a routine. And so do you. But they can adapt! This bonus training will help you deal with their whining & get dependable self-directed playtime every day.

Value: $49

Bonus Training: Don't Give Up Free Time! How to Convert Naptime into Quiet Time

Your child might be dropping their nap. Blargh!!

But wait. Don't freak out just yet. Find out why this is a golden opportunity for you to wave your magic wand & create relaxing, rejuvenating Quiet Time for the whole family.

Value: $49

Hi! I'm Catherine...

and I love helping busy parents reclaim time in their day to work on their own blossoming business or simply rest.

Because I get it. I've been there.

Believe me, our family is not "perfect" - there's no such thing. We still have our struggles, too. But I've worked really hard to give my only child the tools to play independently. 

It's for her, partly. But being totally honest... most of it is for me, and my own sanity.

I have a child with no siblings who loooves to interact with people, is highly aware of her surroundings, and didn't naturally have that skill of sinking into deep focus with a toy on her own.

But I knew we couldn't entertain her day and night. It wasn't sustainable! So I made play a true priority in our house. I was determined to change things.

My child went from playing alone for about 15 minutes to up to 3 hours a day total! I want to share with you everything I've learned so I can make your life easier, too.

Are you ready to be the leader your family needs, and move toward a household that doesn't just survive, but thrives?

Can’t wait to see your success with Immersive Play!

With this step-by-step mini-course, your children will be playing more independently in no time!

Here's what you'll love:

  • Quick step-by-step video lessons that teach you the 5 phases of independent play, how to create an environment that encourages play, and solutions for common problems
  • My secret sauce strategy for you to convert a dropped nap to independet playtime. (Ahhh... rest for the whole family.)
  • 20 kid-tested activities that are super-easy to set up and won't cost you a penny!
  • The best trick for getting your kids to begin an independent play session without tears or whining.

Who is Immersive Play for?

You'll love this mini-course if:

  • You’re overwhelmed by parenting, work, homeschooling (or all of the above) - and it never feels like you can get everything done. Or ANYTHING done well.​
  • You feel like you have to entertain your child all the time. (Please, no more tea parties!)
  • You're constantly exhausted.​
  • You have a child who: demands your presence constantly or needs to learn how to play before the baby arrives.
  • Your child loves to talk and notices everything you do. (Please leave me alone for just 3 minutes!)
  • You have an only child with no built-in playmates in the house, or no siblings close in age.​
  • You want more time to yourself. (Uhhhh, yeah you can say that again.)

This course isn't for you if:

  • You've never handed your kid a screen to stop their whining.
  • Your child consistently plays on their own for 30 minutes or more.
  • You are always able to take a 20 minute break for yourself to read a magazine, meditate, or cook dinner in peace.
  • You were totally chill when your kid dropped their nap and knew exactly what to do.
  • You are pleased with your work-home-life balance right now.

Think your child will never have the independence you crave?

It IS possible.

And you DON'T have to wait until your child is older.

It can happen right now.

Even children as young as 2 years-old have increased their independence and creativity after taking Immersive Play

Think you don't have the time to take a course?

This mini-course was built with your busy schedule in mind.

You don't have time to spare. I get it. No parent does!

I'm not big on "fluff."

So each lesson is jam-packed with ONLY the information you need. None of the extra stuff.

Each video lesson is 5-15 minutes long, so that you can watch while you're folding laundry or making lunches. My goal with Immersive Play isn't to waste your time. Quite the opposite! I want to find you EXTRA time in your day.

Here's what people are saying...

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a crazy good deal. Is it too good to be true?

I promise this is not a scam :) I've been a parenting blogger for 7 years, and developed this course after 3 years of working intently on independent play with my own child. This course started as a live workshop, but I wanted to share it with more people. The price is so low because I truly want all parents, especially overwhelmed moms, to stress less, be able to have their own business or side hustle, or to just relax!

The reason it's a mini-course is because I want to get you quick wins without the hefty price tag and make sure you actually COMPLETE it.

Are you a doctor?

No, I am not. I am not a medical or mental health professional. Immersive Play is based on my personal experience as a parent of a child who doesn't have any siblings, craves lots and lots of human interaction, and is super-attuned to her surroundings. I am a coach and certified facilitator. For any questions about your or your child's medical, psychological, developmental, or physiological needs, please contact a medical professional. 

How will I get the product after I purchase?

Immersive Play is all online. All materials will be delivered to you through a platform called FG, and you'll be prompted to set up a sign-in. (Nothing is mailed to you.) Look for an email right after you purchase.

What is the format of the course?

Immersive Play is a self-guided course that contains 5 video lessons. Each video lesson has a combination of slides featuring words on the screen and a video/audio recording of me teaching. Each lesson ranges from 5-20 minutes.

How long will I have access to the course?

For as long as the course exists! If, for any reason, the platform changes or the course is significantly altered, you will be able to download all of the course materials.

What are the best ages for this course?

This is geared to children ages 2-6. However, it's never too young to start! If your child is under 24 months, there are many valuable lessons you can begin to put into place now, and continue to implement as they grow. If your child is neuro-diverse or has developmental disabilities, you may find a wider age range to be appropriate. 

Will my child start playing for 4 hours independently by tomorrow?

Probably not by tomorrow! Independent play is a skill that takes time to learn, like playing a musical instrument. It will not happen overnight. And of course, your child's age and temperament matter. Everyone's different. But if you use my strategies consistently, I am confident that your child will improve their ability to play independently.

Do you offer refunds?

Because of the digital nature of this mini-course, sales are final. 

Don't sacrifice one more minute of your sanity.

Reclaim your time and peace now.

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Immersive Play mini-course!

  • 5 step-by-step video lessons (5-15 minutes each) - $199 value
  • 18 page parent guide to independent play - $25 value
  • Mindset shift training - $29 value
  • 20 independent play activities for kids - $19 value


  • How to Create New Habits with Kids: 8 Strategies - $49 value
  • Don't Give Up Free Time! How to convert naptime to quiet time - $49 value

Total value: $370

Enroll now for just $97

(That's more than 70% off the total value.)

Parenting doesn't have to be this hard. Give yourself the gift you deserve.